Hp Exam
Verification failed for www.uniportbs-academy.com using the DNS TXT record method (less than a minute ago). Your verification DNS TXT record was not found. You might need to wait a few minutes before Google sees your changes to the TXT records.
Exam ID: c0517950-8221-11ed-a76c-5d76f258fdb0
0 Exam Takers
No of Questions: 0
Verification failed for www.uniportbs-academy.com using the DNS TXT record method (less than a minute ago). Your verification DNS TXT record was not found. You might need to wait a few minutes before Google sees your changes to the TXT records.
Exam Quick Stats
- Less than 100 Exam takers
- Created on 22-12-2022
- Last updated on 22-12-2022